Notre Dame Cathedral at the Norfolk Society of Arts

Notre Dame Cathedral at the Norfolk Society of Art
Robert Kunzig spoke of the Notre Dame Cathedral at the Norfolk Society of Art

ATTENDED the Norfolk Society of Arts 2023 annual meeting and luncheon on Monday afternoon. This was a wonderful event and well attended. The speaker was Robert Kunzig, author, journalist, and former executive editor for Environment, National Geographic magazine. He lectured on the
restoration of Notre Dame cathedral; it was an outstanding presentation. Kunzig wrote the February 2022 National Geographic feature ‘Notre Dame: Rebuilding an Icon’ (shown here).

Learn more about Notre Dame Cathedral in Notre-Dame: A Short History of the Meaning of Cathedrals by best selling author Ken Follet. Follet also wrote the masterpiece Pillars of the Earth, centered the construction of a medieval cathedral and the driven and complex lives that surrounded it.